Sunday, May 4, 2008

Its morning, and Im still alive :)

Night shifts in office are generally fun, its the only time when there is least chaos and work gets completed at an astonishing rate. But this night shift is special b'coz its my last one at the place I currently work (yea im gonna be moving out in a couple of weeks)

Most of my colleagues say they hardly get to do anything while they are in the night shift b'coz the day is simply spent (or wasted as some would call it) in sleeping while the rest of the world is wide awake. But fortunately things work differently for me (like they normally do in most cases). Night shifts are the only times when I end up sleeping the least (now all you health conscious people stay away, I am absolutely aware of the harazds of not sleeping enough so please dont bother reminding me about them !) and still end up staying awake through the night without putting in the extra effort to keep my eyes open. Now I know its not really a big deal unless you are aware of the number of hours I actually sleep and I have no intentions of disclosing it either coz not every one gets to know about it.

Okay, moving ahead... the week went by like a breeze, I hardly realized when it started and now its already gone ! Its been one of those ideal weeks where I've actually managed to catch up with friends, attend an engagement, watch a good movie, celebrate a friends b'day (yeah so what if I dint eat or drink anything I still had fun), go out shopping with a good friend and a "not-so-happening" dinner too.

For an instant I even thought that my exceedingly sleep deprived body is finally going to give up and I am going to fall down flat face first without even managing to gather the strength to hold on to something for support. But fortunately I did not have to suffer such disgrace for two reasons :- 1. I had no intentions of giving up so easily & 2. I had someone special keeping me good company for most part of the night (naah, don't think too much)

Its kind of funny that even the oddest things can sometimes bring a sense of achievement, content and happiness that have a long lasting effect. And the only though that comes to my mind while I see the clock strike 6.00 is that "Its morning, and Im still alive :)"


Unknown said...

ur absolutely right mano... i just dun understand a thing here. PERMENANTLY DISABLED :-P
btw .. y have u stopped man? u r pretty good at blogging.. start it over man ..seriously

hmmm said...

Dude..start writing man..You have a flair for it